Great that you are here!

We take the load off your back

Namibia Safari Services and Supplies cc
Smartdip Craft Creations cc

110 Cobalt Street, Prosperita Industrial, Windhoek

P. O. Box 22795
Windhoek, NAMIBIA

+264 (61) 22 77 00

+264 (61) 30 17 60

Office hours: Mo – Fr from 07:30 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 16:30

Any other times are welcome, however subject to individual arrangement.
Should you wish to visit us, please call on us beforehand, to ensure that your best suitable contact person is in the office at the time.

GPS Co-ordinates: S22°37.273′ E017°04.919′

Our offices are located in Prosperita Industrial, a southern suburb of Namibia’s capital Windhoek. You can reach us by car by driving on Auas Road from the City into a southern direction. Follow the road signs to Prosperita. From the Western Bypass turn into Prosperita Industrial (Titanium Street). Turn right at the first turn-off into Nickel Street and left again into Cobalt Street.

For shipping instructions, trophy labels & handling and/or shipping cost estimate, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Namibia Safari Service will not share, disclose or otherwise provide your data to any outside organisation. Please view our Privacy Policy.